The London Underground Railway

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To avoid confusion between the various companies that made up what is now known as the London Underground, the pages linked below contain information specific to those constituent companies.


Company Name


Baker Street & Waterloo Railway (Bakerloo) LUBS&W
Central London & Central Line LUGL&C
City & South London Railway LUC&SL
East London Railway LUEL
Great Northern & City Railway LUGN&C
Great Northern Piccadilly & Brompton Railway LUGNP&B
Hammersmith & City Line LUH&C
Hampstead Line (or Hampstead & Highgate) LUH&H
Jubilee Line LUJ
London Electric Railway LULE
Metropolitan District Railway LUMD
Metropolitan Railway LUM
Northern Line LUN
Piccadilly Line LUP
Victoria Line LUV
Waterloo & City Railway LUW&C