Heritage Railway Enthuisasts

John Griffiths - Former Engine Driver at Saltley in the 1950s & 1960s.
Nottingham Victoria by Tim Overton
UK Heritage Railways.
Trainweb by Eddie Ballas.
MarchWeb  Information on UK Railway Preservation
UK & Ireland Railway WebRing.
European Railway related WWW sites.
The Railway SiteRing by Robert Brittle.
Scottish Railways & Steamers By Ewan Crawford
Cumbria Railways is a similar effort to mine to publicise photos & history of the lost railways of Cumbria.

The Welsh Highland Railway has quite a collection of sites dedicated to publicising it. Some of them are maintained by Nick Lewis, Andy Goodwin and a very good Construction News site maintained by Barrie Hughes. The mapping project that I am developing is in conjunction with Steve Harris who currently maintains a site dedicated to large scale maps of the route.