
Animated Train - Standard Gauge

For many years I have been gradually scanning the huge archive of photos amassed by Brian Mills over a lifetime of permanent way study. Many of these photos are already displayed in detail on this site & in theory available for purchase once I get a decent arrangement in place for copyright & pricing structure.

In addition to these photos Brian has also written a number of studies on various subjects. These studies have taken the structure of a well researched history in excellent detail & a plethora of "then & now" photos. Areas of specific interest include The Burry Port & Gwendraeth Valley Railway, Taff Vale, Barry, Vale Of Glamorgan, Rhymney, Forest Of Dean & others. Brian has also written other specialist studies also with numerous photos on subjects such as semaphore signalling in such detail never seen before.

The first of these studies to be published is planned to be the Forest Of Dean. Brian has already presented this study in the form of a talk using slides on many occasions to great praise & when published will be the most comprehensive & gripping study on the region seen yet.

Due to the proposed size of this publication (i.e. too many pictures), publishers have been reluctant to publish in the past so Brian & myself have decided to attempt to print & distribute ourselves. Anyone interested in this publication or any other proposed studies please get in touch. If you're looking for the best single subject study reads, this is the place. Brian's collection is a hidden goldmine that has left me wanting to see more with every film I get given to scan.

Animated Train - Narrow Gauge

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